The Educate Hearts and Minds Fund directs funds to schools and orphanages in Asia that have a proven track record of lifting people out of poverty and achieving gender equality through education.
Conscious Capital® creates synergistic programs to promote the values of wisdom-based education and preserve the cultures through which they originate. We seek to build nourishment libraries amongst youth at schools and organizations in Asia, Europe and the United States. Our goal is to spark a conversation that puts cultivating happiness as a skill at the forefront of 21st century education for children.
Emergency Funding Needed
In Nepal, Tibet and India, we are approached by people in desperate need of immediate assistance: some need money for basic medical care for themselves or their children (there is no free medical care in these countries) and others for urgent life-saving operations; some people because they have no work or have lost their harvest and have no other way to feed their family or pay the rent; others because they are elderly and alone, not able to work they are left abandoned to themselves.
The Emergency Fund also takes care of sustaining temporarily those children whose sponsorships have been interrupted. In this way children are not forced to leave school or to return to their initial difficult living situations.

Children in Nepal
We work mainly in the area of the capital, Kathmandu. One of the poorest countries in the world, with a daily income of less than a dollar, most people find themselves living on the threshold of extreme poverty. However, the Kathmandu Valley still attracts thousands of poor people from the countryside who are in desperate need of work. But, as the economic situation of the country continues to worsen and the numbers of unemployed and hungry grow; in the capital vast areas of degradation exist where the rising number of poor live in precarious homes that lack water, sanitation, electricity, food, mattresses, blankets… Public services, when available, have a fee and so it is the poor who often remain excluded.
Parents have to pay to send their children to school, but families who have a sufficient income are rare so many children start work at an early age and the illiteracy rate in the country remains high.
Thanks to this project approximately 900 children are enrolled into schools in the Kathmandu area. These children, from the poorest families, are guaranteed education and medical care. Some of the children who first entered into the long distance adoptions programme, are now studying in further education.

Children in Tibet
This project takes care of some already existent infant schools in the Shigatse area of Central Tibet. These extremely poor schools, made up of 3 to 4 rooms, are constructed of mud bricks with beaten earth floors and are almost completely without equipment or furniture.
Village schools offer instruction only up to the third year. The school of Nye is the only one in this district that offers education up to the sixth class and therefore also has to offer very basic residential facilities, because of the lack of transport, to the 200 children who come from surrounding villages.
The schools often lack desks, chairs, money for heating, to buy books and scholastic materials, to carry out basic maintenance such as roof repairs and the replacement of broken glass that is so necessary due to the extreme climate of Tibet. Donations received by the Association are used to cover these expenses. Thanks to funds raised for the schools project, the Shongma Shang Village school was completely rebuilt in order to replace the existing dangerous building. Other donations were used to buy blankets and mattresses for the children of Nye School, who slept on wooden palettes and were badly covered, due to the lack of blankets, against the extreme climatic conditions. Many of the children “adopted at a distance” in Tibet attend one of these schools, and in these villages the numbers of children able to receive an education is growing.
For children who do not receive any help it is very difficult for them to attend school, because their families have no income and therefore not even the small amount of money needed to buy school materials, but these parents also need to give up help in the fields, with younger siblings, with the animals, for the collecting of fuel and so on.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, schools have been built in villages that the Association helps.

Children in India: Holistic Well-Being of Women, their Children, and Orphaned and Abandoned Children
One of the tragedies for villagers living In the Himalayan regions is the dearth of schools. They are few, far between, and frequently not going beyond the primary grades or junior high. Children must walk many kilometers per day to school, something which is not feasible during the snowy winters or rainy summers. For this reason, the children of the Himalayas must either leave their villages for urban areas or remain uneducated (or barely educated), rendering them unable to get proper employment later in life. Giving these children access to education is crucial.
Divine Shakti Foundation currently has built, renovated and expanded schools in a few regions of the Himalayas. There is need for much, much more. This can begin with school buses that can carry children from the villages to the nearby schools, and then expand to include the construction of more, better quality, schools in more villages.
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