A young shaman-in-training embarks on an epic, mystical, adventure through the broken ecosystems of a devastated earth to restore hope, love, and life to all.

Gaia is a visual feast for the eyes and a fantastical, trippy, evocative ode to the themes of interdependence and healing. Our tale is loosely rooted in the journey of our shaman-in- training, who like Alice in Wonderland tumbles down the proverbial rabbit hole – or rather into the mycelium network – after a devastating meteor nearly destroys the planet. In this mystical network, Gaia discovers worlds both known and entirely otherworldly. Lost and alone, she searches for home while growing her shamanic powers and knowledge to heal and restore life to the Earth’s broken ecosystems – traveling through the iridescent strands of the mycelium web, transported from microcosm to microcosm and ecosystem to ecosystem. As she heals the remnants of life on Earth, her spirit finds order in the chaos and connection in isolation. Gaia discovers that life and evolution are perhaps not the “survival of the fittest” but rather the “survival of the kindest.” A message more important now than ever. Think Jungle Book meets Planet Earth.

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